“A prolific composer and musician, John Ross Jesensky has earned the admiration of peers and audiences alike with his innovative and masterful approach to the art form that is film scoring.̶...
“David R. Gray, Jr. serves as the General Counsel for Wheeler Financial, Inc., and is also the founder of The Law Offices of David R. Gray, Jr., Ltd., and in both roles David’s focus is on rea...
“It’s not often that an attempt is made to draw a comparison between the art of music and the practice of a specific form of investing, and it is even less often that the comparison that is dr...
“An accomplished composer and screenwriter, John Ross Jesensky’s professional exploits have showcased his diverse musical talents and have garnered consistent praise from his peers in the indu...
“Can the multimedia extravaganza “Star Trek: The Ultimate Voyage,” featuring a live symphony orchestra performing while video clips are projected on a huge screen, be the final front...