“According to Nick Alsis, technology will be more heavily depended upon for art in the future with virtual reality gaining production speed and popularity over the last year. Mr.” Read Mor...
“Michael John Mally has always maintained that his sole identity, whether personal or professional, is as an artist and nothing else, but this all-encompassing point of view was not developed wi...
“Michael Mally is a San Diego based artist who features his work in various galleries around the world including a recent installation in Honduras. Nick Alsis is an art lover who recently sat do...
“Michael John Mally is an artist (period). I create art. Depending on the type of art I’m creating, I’m either very focused or very passionate. That depends on the type of art, the location ...
“Overall I love the composition and angle of the picture. Mally has done a wonderful job photographing himself. Michael J. Mally who also goes by Michael John Mally has recently released a self ...
“I got curious as I normally do every once and a while and decided to do a comparison. I asked myself, “What is the difference of art hundreds of years ago and art today?” One could only won...